Local Information
Seville Information: Miscellaneous Info
• Opening hours for business/shops in Seville
• Credit cards, travellers cheques
• ATMs
A chemist’s or drugstore is known as a Farmacia and they can be identified by a large green or red cross sign outside. They tend to keep the same working hours as other shops and if closed, usually display a sign indicating the nearest pharmacy that is open. As well as selling prescription medicines, they also offer free advice about minor injuries or ailments and they will happily suggest non-prescription treatments. Usually open from 9.30am to 1.30pm, and from 4.30am to 8.00pm. Besides you can find pharmacies that open 24 hours. Pharmacies follow a rolling late-hour schedule, which is published in the newspapers and the internet, and is posted at all pharmacies.
Opening hours for business/shops in Seville
Most offices in Seville open at 9.00 am and many close for a couple of hours in the afternoon, although this varies with companies. The most common business time-table is from Monday to Friday, from 9.30am to 1.30pm, and from 5.00pm to 8.00pm. Many shops also open on Saturdays from 9.30am to 1.30pm. Big shopping centres and department stores open from 10.00am to 9.00pm or 10.00pm uninterruptedly, except Sundays and local holidays.
Opening hours for banks
Banks are generally open Monday-Friday from 8.30am to 2.00pm, and sometimes on Saturday from 8.30am to 1.00pm.
Currency exchange
There are many places to exchange currency, the banks being the ones with best rates. There are also foreign exchange outlets in the airports and even in some hotels and restaurants, although the rates are usually not so favourable. Withdrawing money at a cash point (ATM) is often the most convenient and economic way to obtain Euros and there are ATMs all over the city. Many are located inside banks or in their facades.
Credit cards, travellers cheques
Credit cards are widely accepted at establishments throughout Seville and these include Visa, EuroCard, Access, MasterCard and American Express. In some stores, you may be asked to enter your PIN (Personal Identification Number) into a keypad for security purposes. Some shops do not accept credit card payment for a small monetary amount. Travellers cheques, accompanied by a passport, are also accepted in most hotels, restaurants and shops.
There are ATMs almost everywhere, and most support Visa/Plus, Cirrus, and other popular systems. Just look for the signs next to the ATM or on the display itself. ATMs are easy to use here and all offer English as well as other languages.
VAT refund
How to get IVA (VAT) back on shopping: If a buyer’s residence is outside the European Union, then he/she can claim back the tax on purchases, as long as they amount for more than 90.15 Euro in each establishment. In order to do so, you should ask for a tax-free receipt, wherever you see the Spain Refund Tax-free Shopping logo, at the point of sale. The Tax-Free cheque must be stamped, always before the check-in. Show the goods to customs when leaving the country. You can claim your money in the SPAIN REFUND cash agents in airports and borders.
Currency choice logo
The Currency Choice logo next to a credit card terminal means that there you can pay by credit card in your own national currency. The amount on the receipt is the sum that will be debited to your bank. No hidden fees, no surprises when you get back home.
Visa information
Anyone wishing to travel to and enter Spain must have a valid passport and/or the appropriate Spanish Visa. We recommend contacting your local Spanish consulate or Embassy for more information on these requirements.
Further Local Info:
• Climate